Currently consisting of Souzanna Zamfe, Toby Heys, Steve Goodman (Kode9), and Eleni Ikoniadou, AUDINT was formed to investigate the weaponisation of vibration, sonic perception, and the otherworldly dimensions of the inaudible.
AUDINT is a UK based research unit operating across the fields of sound, performance, theory/fiction, film and installation art.
'From high-frequency crowd control systems, whispering windows, and directional ultrasonic technology to haptic feedback devices using vibration within immersive VR, the parameters of the sonic are constantly re-engineered. We refer to such augmentations, which extend audition to encompass the imperceptible and the not-yet or no-longer audible, as unsound. The term refers not only to what humans cannot hear, but also to non-cognitive, inhuman phenomena connected to the unknown…' - AUDINT
Performances and installations have been produced for galleries and festivals including Tate Britain, Art in General New York, Spike Island Bristol, Mutek Montreal, Unsound Krakow, New Forms Vancouver, Sonar Istanbul, Abandon Normal Devices UK. In 2014 AUDINT released the limited edition package Martial Hauntology, comprising prints, 12” vinyl and the book Dead Record Office, and have issued three cassette boxset limited editions via the Reel Torque label.
The AUDINT-edited book, Unsound: Undead was published on Urbanomic Press in April 2019. Alongside those by AUDINT members, it includes texts by Lawrence Abu Hamdan, S. Ayesha Hameed, Lisa Blanning, Erik Davis, Kodwo Eshun, Lee Gamble, Steven Shaviro, Eugene Thacker and more.